What are fillings?
We also offer tooth coloured white fillings but they are not available under the NHS unless it is used to fill cavities on front teeth. To read more about our white fillings click here.
What is a cavity?
Our friendly team is always here to help if you have any questions. Discussion appointments are also free at our dental practice and our dentists will be happy to provide you with advice on how to prevent tooth decay.
Our Dentists Can Help
The sooner preventative dentistry is started the better change there is for you to keep your teeth healthy and that they stick with you for life. We advise bringing your children with you to your check-ups even at an early age, as getting used to the environment and noises of the dental practice at an early age can prevent any dental phobia. We offer a special education programme to our little ones called Childsmile, which is free under the NHS and you can read more about it on our dedicated page for Childsmile here.